contact Steve at or contact him at 651.777-2855 or 651.226-8135 membership-application.pdf *************************
BAR HOURS Mon 11am - 8pm Tue-Wed 10am-1am Thurs 10am - 11pm Fri & Sat 10am - 1am Sun 11am - 8pm ******************
Hall / Room Rental Please Call for room availability Contact us @ 651.777.2855 or 651-226-8135 Arrange the room the way 'YOU' want it! A kitchen available for serving food, snacks & drinks 'Bartender available upon request' MEETINGS
VFW 2nd Wednesday of each month 7pm Gold Star Room VFW Auxiliary 2nd Wednesday of each month 7pm Lower level Congratulations to
2024 Post 1350 Calendar Raffle Winners 1.4 Connie Ferrozzo won $50 2.13 Scott Benson won $50 3.4 Joy Lindahl won $50 6.20 Judy Hauer won $50 7.12 Pete Olofson won $50 9.27 Steve Helfman won $50 |
Next Vet's Home BINGO is Saturday, May 17th
For information regarding help and burial information see the 'News & Photos' page